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We welcome Attila Trunk as a PostDoc in the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory.

At the BMBF Symposium “Technologien für neue Therapien” in Hannover

Presentation on the topic of cognitive neuroprosthetics at the Brede Schools

We welcome Julia Nowak as an intern in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab.

Over 120 neuroscientists from eight countries met at the German Primate Center


We welcome Lin Zhou as an intern in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab.

Lecture in Aurich and Article in the “Ostfriesische Nachrichten”

Interview on the science magazine program “Logo”

We welcome Mareike Spengler as an intern in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab.

Biophysik und Sensomotorik: EU fördert Göttinger Projekt "Plan4Act" mit 4,2 Millionen Euro