Welcome to the Functional Imaging Laboratory
The main research objective of our department is to provide a clearer insight into the interior of an intact living organism without causing any damage. For this we use techniques based on the principle of magnetic resonance. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) allow for spatial and temporally high-resolution insights into the structure and function of the intact organism.
The research of the Functional Imaging Unit focuses on the further development of these methods. Our goals are to contribute to clarification of important questions on basic biomedical research through optimizations and new developments in the imaging processes and to the magnetic resonance methods for the study of diseases in the animal model as well as to further improve human diagnostics. Due to the non-invasiveness and non-destructiveness of MRI and MRS, we can apply comparable methods in small laboratory animals, in various non-human primates and in humans.
Prof. Boretius is the head of the department and simultaneously a professor for functional imaging in the Faculty for Biology and Psychology, Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach Institute for Zoology and Anthropology at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen.