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05 - Neural encoding and decoding


Topics addressed in this lecture

  • Coding of sensory stimuli and motor behavior
  • Rate code and temporal code 
  • Methods for analyzing neural signals
  • Decoding neural signals
  • Coding and decoding of arm reaching movements

Example for questions you should be able to answer

  • Why is encoding and decoding of neural signals not the same?
  • What is the difference between rate code and temporal code? Give at least one example for each case?
  • Describe the difference between categorical and continuous decoding for the example of center-out reach movements.

Important concepts

  • Representation (encoding) of neural signals
  • Rate code and temporal code
  • Decoding methods

Topics addressed in the lecture:

  • Stimulus-Sensation-Perception
  • Structure of eye and retina
  • Processing principles related to the structure of the retina
  • Cone and rod photoreceptor types 
  • Encoding of spatial information
  • Encoding of color information

Examples for questions you should be able to answer:

  • What is hierarchical coding?
  • What is retinotopy?

Important concepts:

  • Labeled-line coding
  • Hierarchical vs. parallel vs. horizontal processing
  • Receptive field
  • Retinotopy
  • Local coding
  • Coarse coding


Last updated on: 04.09.24