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Lecture Winter Term WS2023/24

From Vision to Action  
Dates for lecture  
(Mon, 16:15-18), Old lecture hall, DPZ
LE (Mo) Lecturer Topic
23. Okt AG L01 Senses, action, and the brain
23. Okt AG preparation, seminar planning
30. Okt AG L02 Retinal & Visual pathways
06. Nov AG L03 Primary visual cortex
13. Nov   [cancelled]
20. Nov AG L04 Features, Forms & Objects
27. Nov ST L05 Processing of visual motion 
04. Dez ST L06 Adaptation
11. Dez ST L07 Attention 1
18. Dez ST L08 Attention 2
25. Dez   Christmas vacation
01. Jan   Christmas vacation
08. Jan HS L09 Neural encoding and decoding
15. Jan HS L10 Sensorimotor transformation
22. Jan HS L11 Decision making
29. Jan HS L12 Motor Neuroprosthetics
05. Feb   [backup date]
  Date Time
Exam 19.02.24 Mon, 16:15-18
Re-sit Exam 03.04.24 Wed, 10:15-12

For more information: 

Senses, action, and the brain [AG]
Preparatory meeting & Seminar planning [AG]


Attention 1 [ST]

Retinal & Visual pathways [AG]

Attention 2 [ST]

Primary visual cortex [AG] 

Neural encoding and decoding [HS]

Features, Forms & Objects [AG]

Sensorimotor transformation [HS]

Processing of visual motion [ST]

Decision making [HS]

Adaptation [ST]

Motor Neuroprosthetics [HS]

Please note that it is possible that there is conflicting information in FlexNow, compared to the schedule above. Unfortunately, we can not correct the FlexNow entries ourselves, but can only let the FlexNow administrators know of the errors. Please immediately report any discrepancies that you notice.

Last update:  27.11.2023


(Tuesdays, 8:15-10:00, old lecture hall at the German Primate Center, Kellnerweg 4)

The course format has been adapted. Enrolled participants received a corresponding  notification.

Last update: 27.11.2023