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We welcome Attila Trunk as a PostDoc in the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory.

We welcome Johanna Rösch as a bachelor student in the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory.

Can we watch a brain think? How do we make the decisions we make? What is unique about Guinea baboons?

We welcome Josefine Kirchner as a bachelor student in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab.

We welcome Amy Moffatt as a master student in the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory.

„Leiden für die Wissenschaft" - 
Pro und kontra Tierversuche


At the BMBF Symposium “Technologien für neue Therapien” in Hannover

Presentation on the topic of cognitive neuroprosthetics at the Brede Schools

We welcome Sandrin Sudmann as a new colleague student in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab.

We welcome Mohsen Parto as a PhD student in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab.