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In cooperation with the DPZ ethologist Julia Fischer, the developmental psychologist Alexandra Freund will research the age-related development of social relations in primates.

Primates that play, grow slower but benefit later in life

Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the German Primate Center (DPZ) sign joint declaration to support research and the protection of the highly endangered primates in Vietnam.

A team of three scientists including Zinner was decorated for work in Invory Coast. Inza Kone, Sery Gonedele Bi and Dietmar Zinner have for many years been collecting and analyzing data about endangered primate species.

Susann Boretius will lead the new DPZ imaging center as a joint professor between the Göttingen University and the German Primate Center.

DFG fördert neues Graduiertenkolleg an der Universität Göttingen und dem Deutschen Primatenzentrum

Das Deutsche Primatenzentrum hat am Montag, 20. April, zusammen mit Gästen aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Wirtschaft zwei neue Gebäude eingeweiht. Unter anderen sprach der Niedersächsische Ministerpräsident Stephan Weil ein Grußwort.

Goettingen scientists question the utility of mice to explore the foundations of vocal learning

Neuroscientists at the German Primate Center verify the planning for physical and visual arm movements.

A steel sculpture, 2.4 meters high, of the Göttingen artist Frank-Helge Steuer will be inaugurated