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Neuroscientists at the German Primate Center can predict grip movements of the hand by measuring brain cell activity

Scientists of the DPZ have developed a portable laboratory for the diagnosis of the ebola-virus. The new method is six to ten times faster than the current one, equally sensitive and will be tested in Africa soon.

Lydia Luncz and Stefan Schaffelhofer impressed with their scientific results on the cultural behavior of chimpanzees and the neural contraol of hand movements, respectively.

German Primate Center and University of Göttingen want to study the mental abilities of monkeys and humans

Primatologists and plant geneticists study the dispersal of tree seeds by New World primates

German Primate Center (DPZ) study shows: Lemurs use communal latrines as information exchange centers

German Primate Center (DPZ) study shows tolerance and cooperative ties between male Guinea baboons

Mobile DNA element allows conclusions on the evolution of apes

DFG supports research group with 1.5 million euros.

Scientists of the Göttingen Research Campus participate in statement of the National Academy Leopoldina