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Göttingen innovative project receives research funds from Leibniz Association

A team of neuroscientists from Göttingen and Tehran shows how our brain combines visual features to achieve a unified percept

Göttingen behavioral scientists tested biological principle on free-living Assamese macaques

Primate researchers show how monkeys contribute to the regeneration of tropical forests

Göttingen research project "Deep Movement Diagnostics" receives around 1.2 million euros for the development of three-dimensional reconstructions of movement patterns

Green monkeys' alarm calls allow conclusions about the evolution of language

Konferenz der Gesellschaft für Primatologie am Deutschen Primatenzentrum

International research team reconstructs the evolutionary history of baboons

Mutations of the MERS virus contribute to its resistance against the defenses of the immune system

Pooja Viswanathan is awarded for her findings on numerical cognition in primates