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Behavioral study on common marmosets provides new insights into the evolution of language

Life expectancy in primate populations is determined by the survival rate of the younger ones

Imaging techniques enable decisive step toward development of novel hearing prostheses

Immune responses in SARS-CoV-2 patients might provide only incomplete protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants from minks

Cell culture studies show that mutated viruses are less susceptible to inhibition by antibodies from recovered or vaccinated individuals

Evaluation of the institute by the Senate of the Leibniz Association is extremely positive

The Sponsorship Society of the German Primate Center awards two PhD Thesis Awards to young female scientists

Pancreatitis drug Camostat inhibits new SARS-CoV-2 activators identified in the upper respiratory tract


Vocal learning leads to modification of call structure in a multi-level baboon society

Research project launched at the German Primate Center and the University of Düsseldorf