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The section Infection Research researches viruses like HIV, influenza (flu) and ebola and newly emerging viruses. Additionally, illnesses caused by bacteria and parasites are investigated.
The section Neuroscience researches the basics of cognitive performance in the central nervous system and neurodegenerative illnesses as well as control of movements and the visual perception.
Research in the section Organismic Primate Biology is focussed on evolutionary basics of social and mating systems, ecology, vocal communication, biology of stem cells, and genetics in primates.

Virtual trip to the EBQB field station

Together with Eckhard W. Heymann, you can take a virtual trip to the EBQB station in the Amazon. Everyday life at the station and the research work are presented in a multimedia scrollytelling format.
To the Scrollytelling

Virtual tour around the DPZ

Aerial view of the DPZ. Photo: Stefan Rampfel

Let DPZ scientists explain their working environment to you and take a look at the laboratories of the various research fields. In the outdoor facilities you can get to know our monkeys and get an idea of the husbandry conditions.

Start virtual tour

Quiz: Ten questions about infection research

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Figure: BioMedical / Shutterstock
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Figure: BioMedical / Shutterstock

Infection research is an important area of science. New pathogens are constantly appearing or the already known ones are changing and threatening our health. To combat them, our scientists at DPZ are researching to understand the pathogenicity mechanisms to develop new vaccines and drugs based on that knowledge. Test your knowledge in our quiz about infection research.

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Further quiz games in our Info Center



Dr. Martina Bleyer




Prof. Rabea Hinkel / Dr. Björg Pauling

Laboratory Animal Science Course on Non-Human Primates

until Nov
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