Evolution von Sozialsystemen
Aktuelle Projekte
Ursachen und Konsequenzen von Variabilität in adulten Geschlechterverhältnissen
Kappeler PM, Benhaiem S, Fichtel C, Fromhage L, Höner OP, Jennions MD, Kaiser S, Krüger O, Schneider JM, Tuni C, van Schaik J, Goymann W (2023) Sex roles and sex ratios in animals. Biological Reviews xx: xx-xx. doi: 10.1111/brv.12915 Schacht R, Beissinger SR, Wedekind C, Jennions MD, Geoffroy B, Liker A, Kappeler PM, Weissing FJ, Kramer KL, Hesketh T, Boissier J, Uggla C, Hollingshaus M, Szekely T (2022). Adult sex ratios: causes of variation and implications for animal and human societies. Communications Biology 5: 1273 |
Proximate und ultimate Ursachen des ungewöhnlichen adulten Geschlechtsverhältnises von Rotstirnmakis (Eulemur rufifrons)
Ursachen, Mechanismen und Konsequenzen weiblicher konkurrenz bei Rotstirnmakis (Eulemur rufifrons)
Beziehungen zwischen den Geschlechtern
Goymann W, Brumm H, Kappeler PM (2023) Biological sex is binary, even though there is a rainbow of sex roles. Bioessays 45: 2200173 Davidian E, Surbeck M, Lukas D, Kappeler PM, Huchard E (2022) The eco-evolutionary landscape of power relationships between males and females. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37: 706-718. Kappeler PM, Fichtel C, Radespiel U (2022) The island of female power? Intersexual dominance relationships in the lemurs of Madagascar. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 858859 Kappeler PM, Huchard E, Baniel A, Canteloup C, Charpentier MJE, Cheng L, Davidian E, Duboscq J, Fichtel C, Hemelrijk CK, Höner OP, Koren L, Micheletta J, Prox L, Saccà T, Seex L, Smit N, Surbeck M, van de Waal E, Girard-Buttoz C (2022) Sex and dominance: How to assess and interpret intersexual dominance relationships in mammalian societies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 918773 Seex L, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM, Hemelrijk CH (2022) Interrelationship among spatial cohesion, aggression rate, counter aggression and female dominance in three lemur species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: 133 Hudel L, Kappeler PM (2022) Sex‑specific movement ecology of the shortest‑lived tetrapod during the mating season. Scientific Reports 12: 10053 Smith JE, von Rueden CR, van Vugt M, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2021) An evolutionary explanation for the female leadership paradox. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 676805 |
Evolution sozialer Komplexität
Kappeler PM, Clutton-Brock T, Shultz S, Lukas D (2019) Social complexity: patterns, processes and evolution. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiololgy 73: 5. |
Evolution von Sozialsystemen