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Die 21 am häufigsten (>100 mal) zitierten Publikationen

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(Zitationshäufigkeit: die angegebenen Zahlen stammen von Google Scholar, Stand 5.02.2024)


mehr als 1.700 Zitationen
Treue S, Martinez Trujillo JC (1999)
Feature-based attention influences motion processing gain in macaque visual cortex.
Nature 399: 575-579

mehr als 1.200 Zitationen
Treue S, Maunsell JHR (1996)
Attentional modulation of visual motion processing in cortical areas MT and MST.
Nature 382: 539-541 
see also: News and Views article by Kenneth H. Britten, Nature 382: 497-498 and Dispatch in Current Biology by J. M. Groh, E. Seidemann, and W. T. Newsome, 1996, 6: 1406-1409 see Text and Article in New Scientist von J. McCrone, 1997.

mehr als 1000 Zitationen
Maunsell JHR, Treue S (2006) 
Feature-based attention in visual cortex.
Trends in Neuroscience 29: 317-322

mehr als 800 Zitationen
Martinez-Trujillo JC, Treue S (2004) 
Feature-based attention increases the selectivity of population responses in primate visual cortex. 
Current Biology 14: 744-751

mehr als 550 Zitationen
Snowden RJ, Treue S, Erickson RG, Andersen RA (1991) 
The response of area MT and V1 neurons to transparent motion.
Journal of Neuroscience 11: 2768-2785

mehr als 500 Zitationen
Treue S (2001)
Neural correlates of attention in primate visual cortex.
Trends in Neurosciences 24: 295-300

Treue S (2003) 
Visual attention: the where, what, how and why of saliency.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 13: 428-432


mehr als 450 Zitationen
Martinez-Trujillo JC, Treue S (2002)
Attentional modulation strength in cortical area MT depends on stimulus contrast.
Neuron 35: 365-370


mehr als 400 Zitationen
Treue S, Maunsell JHR (1999)
Effects of attention on the processing of motion in macaque middle temporal and medial superior temporal visual cortical areas.
Journal of Neuroscience 19: 7591-7602

mehr als 350 Zitationen
Womelsdorf T, Anton-Erxleben K, Pieper F, Treue S (2006) 
Dynamic shifts of visual receptive fields in cortical area MT by spatial attention.
Nature Neuroscience 9: 1156-1160

mehr als 300 Zitationen
Snowden RJ, Treue S, Andersen RA (1992) 
The response of neurons in areas V1 and MT of the alert rhesus monkey to moving random dot patterns.
Experimental Brain Research 88: 389-400 

mehr als 250 Zitationen

Treue S,  Hol K, Rauber H-J (2000)
Seeing multiple directions of motion - psychophysics and physiology.
Nature Neuroscience 3: 270-276
see also: News and Views article by Jennifer Groh, Nature Neuroscience 3: 201-202 and editorial by C. Jennings, Nature Neuroscience 3: 199

Anton-Erxleben K, Henrich C, Treue S (2007)
Attention changes perceived size of moving visual patterns.
Journal of Vision 7(11): 5

mehr als 150 Zitationen
Treue S, Husain M, Andersen RA (1991)
Human perception of structure from motion.
Vision Research 31: 59-75 

Roelfsema PR, Treue S (2014)
Basic neuroscience research with nonhuman primates: a small but indispensable component of biomedical research.
Neuron 82(6): 1200-1204

Womelsdorf T, Anton-Erxleben K, Treue S (2008) 
Receptive field shift and shrinkage in macaque middle temporal area through attentional gain modulation. 
Journal of Neuroscience 28(36): 8934-8944

Anton-Erxleben K, Stephan VM, Treue S (2009)
Attention reshapes center-surround receptive field structure in macaque cortical area MT
Cerebral Cortex 19: 2466–2478


mehr als 100 Zitationen
Hol K, Treue S (2001) 
Different populations of neurons contribute to the detection and discrimination of visual motion. 
Vision Research 41: 685-689

Busse L, Katzner S, Treue S (2008) 
Temporal dynamics of neuronal modulation during exogenous and endogenous shifts of visual attention in macaque area MT. 
PNAS 105: 16380-16385

Rauber HJ, Treue S (1998)
Reference repulsion when judging the direction of visual motion.
Perception 27: 393-402

Laczó B, Antal A, Niebergall R, Treue S, Paulus W (2012)
Transcranial alternating stimulation in a high gamma frequency range applied over V1 improves contrast perception but does not modulate spatial attention.
Brain Stimulation 5(4): 484-491