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03 - Early visual pathways and primary visual cortex


Topics addressed in the lecture:

  • Retinofugal projections
  • Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN)
  • M- and P-pathways
  • RCG and LGN color opponency    
  • V1 anatomical layers
  • V1 ocular dominance
  • V1 orientation selectivity
  • V1 disparity tuning    
  • V1 simple cell model (Hubel & Wiesel)
  • V1 non-classical RF properties  (effect of visual context)

Examples for question you should be able to answer:

  • Which V1 layers are part of the M-pathway?
  • Which visual stimulus properties are represented and organized in structured maps in the primary visual cortex (V1) of primates?
  • How is ocularity represented and spatially organized in a map in the primary visual cortex (V1) of primates? With which technique and how has this map been visualized as a functional organization principle in awake animals?

Important concepts & methods:

  • Divergence, convergence, and feedback
  • Cortical layer structure
  • Ocular dominance
  • Orientation selectivity
  • Interocular disparity    
  • Ice-cube model vs. pinwheel organization    
  • Iso-orientation facilitation and iso-orientation inhibition
  • Lesion studies
  • Optical imaging

Topics addressed in the lecture:

  • Stimulus-Sensation-Perception
  • Structure of eye and retina
  • Processing principles related to the structure of the retina
  • Cone and rod photoreceptor types 
  • Encoding of spatial information
  • Encoding of color information

Examples for questions you should be able to answer:

  • What is hierarchical coding?
  • What is retinotopy?

Important concepts:

  • Labeled-line coding
  • Hierarchical vs. parallel vs. horizontal processing
  • Receptive field
  • Retinotopy
  • Local coding
  • Coarse coding


Last updated on: 04.09.24