Dr. Christian Schlögl
Kognitive Ethologie
Labortrakt / A0.08
Kellnerweg 4
37077 Göttingen
Work Experience
since Jan. 2022: Coordinator, SFB1528 - Cognition of Interaction
since Jan. 2015: Coordinator, Leibniz ScienceCampus "Primate Cognition"
Aug. 2012 - Dec 2014 : Coordinator, PhD program “Behavior and Cognition”, University of Göttingen
2011-2014: Post-Doctoral researcher, Cognitive Ethology Lab
2011-2012: Coordinator of the Graduate School "Foundations of Primate Social Behaviour", German Primate Center Göttingen
2009-2010: Post-Doctoral Researcher, Konrad Lorenz Research Station Grünau, Department of Behavioural Biology and Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna, Austria
Education and Training
2013-2015: Master studies in Science Management, University of Speyer
2005-2008: PhD studies in Zoology (Animal Cognition), University of Vienna, Austria
1998-2005: Diploma studies in Biology, University of Bayreuth
Schloegl, C., Fischer, J. (2017): Causal Reasoning in Nonhuman Animals. In: Oxford Handbook of Causal Reasoning (ed. by. M.R. Waldmann); Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 699-716
Schmitt, V., Schloegl, C. & Fischer, J. (2014): Seeing the experimenter influences the response to pointing cues in long-tailed macaques; PLoS One, 9(3), e91348
Weiß, B.M., Schloegl, C. & Scheiber, I.B.R. (2013): How to tell friend from foe. Cognition in a complex society. In: The social life of Greylag geese: Patterns, Mechanisms and Evolutionary Functions in an Avian Model System (ed. by I.B.R. Scheiber, B.M. Weiß, and K. Kotrschal); Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp. 173-188
Schloegl, C., Waldmann, M.R. & Fischer, J. (2013): Understanding of and reasoning about object-object relationships in long-tailed macaques?; Animal Cognition; 16(3), 493-507
Mikolasch, S., Kotrschal, K. & Schloegl, C. (2013): Transitive inference in jackdaws (Corvus monedula); Behavioural Processes, 92, 113-117
Henselek, Y., Fischer, J. & Schloegl, C. (2012): Does the stimulus type influence horses performance in a quantity discrimination task?; Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 504
Schloegl, C., Schmidt, J., Boeckle, M., Weiß, B.M. & Kotrschal, K.: Grey parrots use inferential reasoning based on acoustic cues alone (2012); Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B,479, 4135-4142
Mikolasch, S., Kotrschal, K. & Schloegl, C. (2012): The influence of local enhancement on choice performances in African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) and jackdaws (Corvus monedula); Journal of Comparative Psychology, 126, 399-406
González-Jaramillo, M., Schloegl, C. & de la Cueva, H. (2012): Opportunistic, induced adoption as a conservation measure: insights into parent-offspring recognition behaviour in the magnificent frigatebird; Northwestern Naturalist, 57(3), 335-337
Mikolasch, S., Kotrschal, K. & Schloegl, C. (2012): Is caching the key to exclusion in corvids? The case of carrion crows (Corvus corone corone); Animal Cognition, 15 (1), 73-82
Schmidt, J., Scheid, C., Kotrschal, K., Bugnyar T. & Schloegl, C. (2011): Gaze direction – A cue for hidden food in rooks (Corvus frugilegus)?; Behavioural Processes; 88 (2), 88-93
Mikolasch, S., Kotrschal, K. & Schloegl, C. (2011): African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) use inference by exclusion to find hidden food; Biology letters; 7, 875-877
Schloegl, C. (2011): What you see is what you get – reloaded: Can jackdaws detect hidden food through exclusion?; Journal of Comparative Psychology, 125 (2), 162-174
Kehmeier, S., Schloegl, C., Scheiber, I.B.R. & Weiß, B.M. (2011): Early development of gaze following into distant space in juvenile Greylag geese (Anser anser); Animal Cognition, 14 (4), 477-485
Kenward, B., Schloegl, C., Rutz, C., Weir, A.A.S., Bugnyar, T. & Kacelnik, K. (2011): On the evolutionary and ontogenetic origins of tool-oriented behaviour in New Caledonian crows (Corvus moneduloides); Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 102, 870-877
Weiß, B.M., Kehmeier, S. & Schloegl, C. (2010): Transitive inference in free-living greylag geese (Anser anser); Animal Behaviour, 79, 1277-1283
Loretto, M. – C., Schloegl, C. & Bugnyar T. (2010): Northern bald ibises follow others' gaze into distant space but not behind barriers; Biology letters, 6, 14-17
Schloegl, C., Dierks, A., Gajdon, G., Huber, L., Kotrschal, K. & Bugnyar, T. (2009): What you see is what you get? Exclusion performances in ravens and keas; PLoS One, 4(8), e6368
Schloegl, C., Bugnyar, T. & Aust, U. (2009): Exclusion performances in non-human animals: from chimpanzees to pigeons and back again. In: Rational animals, irrational humans (ed. by A. Blaisdell, L. Huber, S. Watanabe, Young, A., and Y. Yamazaki); Tokyo: Keio University Press; pp. 217-234
Schloegl, C., Schmidt, J., Scheid, C., Kotrschal, K. & Bugnyar, T. (2008): Gaze following in non-human animals – The corvid example. In: Animal Behaviour: New Research (ed. by E. A. Weber & L. H. Krause); New York: Nova Science Publishers; pp. 73-92
Schloegl, C., Kotrschal, K. & Bugnyar T. (2008): Do Common Ravens (Corvus corax) rely on human or conspecific gaze cues to detect hidden food?; Animal Cognition; 11, 231-241
Schwab, C., Bugnyar, T., Schloegl, C. & Kotrschal, K. (2008): Enhanced social learning between siblings in Common Ravens (Corvus corax); Animal Behaviour; 75, 501-508
Schloegl, C., Kotrschal, K. & Bugnyar, T. (2008): Modifying the object-choice task: Is the way you look important for ravens?; Behavioural Processes; 77(1), 61-65
Stöwe, M., Bugnyar, T., Schloegl, C., Heinrich, B., Kotrschal, K. & Möstl, E. (2008): Corticosterone excretion patterns and affiliative behaviour over development in ravens (Corvus corax); Hormones & Behaviour; 53, 208-216
Schloegl, C., Kotrschal K. & Bugnyar T. (2007): Gaze following in Common Ravens (Corvus corax): Ontogeny and Habituation; Animal Behaviour; 74, 769-778
Bugnyar, T., Schwab, C., Schloegl, C., Kotrschal, K. & Heinrich B. (2007): Ravens Judge Competitors Through Experience with Play Caching; Current Biology; 17, 1804-1808
Range, F., Bugnyar, T., Schloegl, C. & Kotrschal, K. (2006): Individual and sex differences in learning abilities of ravens; Behavioural processes, 73(1), 100-106
Stöwe, M., Bugynar, T., Loretto, M.-C., Schloegl, C., Range, F. & Kotrschal, K. (2006): Novel object exploration in ravens (Corvus corax): Effects of social relationships; Behavioural processes, 73(1), 68-75